miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2019

Firenze, 6th of November of 2019

Hi to everyone!!!

Today, It has been raining all day but Florence is as beautiful as when it's sunny 🌞

The apps that we learnt about today offer lots of possibilities for learning and practice foreign languages.

First one is called "Lyrics training". It's a site where you can listen to songs while filling the gaps in the lyrics or typing the whole lyrics. The site currently supports songs for more than 10 different languages.

"Quizlet" is the name of the second app that we worked with this morning. It offers many possibilities to learn new vocabulary, asociatte term with definition, etc.

Quizlet possibilities
Lorenzo teaching about Quizlet

Click on the following link and you can have a look on the app possibilities with the exercise that we did in class: 


We hope that the weather allows us to keep discovering Florence tomorrow.


We'll see, ciao!!

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