viernes, 13 de mayo de 2022

Amsterdam, 13th of may, 2022

 Good afternoon!

Today I won a kahoot! Today was the last day of the course and we have been reflecting on what we have learnt. In pairs,  we have chosen an activity,  a theory and a tool to apply in class and then we have told the group about it. For example I have chosen rain of love (you say a basic activity of your routine and everyone encourage you), Flipped classroom and YouTube.

After that, we made a dynamic about coaching principles and it was a great experience. I have a lot to think about my listening skills.

It was a fantastic course and I have learnt a lot of things, although I would like to have known more online tools and how to use them.

Tomorrow I'm going to  visit Zaanse Schans with my group and I'm very excited! 

Now I'm going to visit Van Gogh's Museum so, see you tomorrow ☺

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2022

Amsterdam, 12th of may, 2022

 Good evening! I'm writing to you since Vondelpark.

Today we have explained how we should to start to apply the Flipped classroom. We have to make small steps, por example, creating a Tik Tok about a content or a common video and then, change the methodology in a class.

In addition, we made a play about in wich part of the rope we are. This dynamic consist in tell a perception in each extreme of the rope and you have to  choose where you are with your body. Then, we saw theories about proyect-based learning and critical thinking, which it was really interesting. Then we tried how we use Tik Tok in Education. 

Here you can see some pictures of today's class.

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2022

Amsterdam, 11th of may, 2022

 Good evening!

We had a productive class today. We started by talking about how to create activities according Gardner's multiple intelligences and following Bloom's taxonomy. We put it into practice in small groups. Here a photo about that moment.

After that, we worked on Inquiry-based Learning. In short, this methodology is based on students creating their learning through questions. Answer is not the most important. We focus in the process of searching information and the connections that are formed. 

Finally, we began to speak, about the Flipped Classroom. This methodology consists of learning and understanding a content in home previously. Then in class thay will be able to apply that information and create proyects or others activities about it.

After the course, I visited with three colleagues the Rijksmuseum, where we could see the Rembrandt exhibition. The building is enormous.

Now, I'm going to rest. See you tomorrow!!

martes, 10 de mayo de 2022

Amsterdam, 10th of may, 2022

Hello everyone!!

Today in the course we have been talking about how we can improve the relationship with our pupils. To get that point, we have to get to know them on a human-human level and not as a teacher-student,  connect with families and communities, be aware of our own  cultural biases...

Then, our Greek's colleagues had time to present their centre due to they come later for the academy.the previous day. 

The main topic has been the communication and how we can understand a message depend on different elements. In this point, we thought about the verbal, non verbal and paraverbal language. If we want to transmit a correct information, this three elements have to be balanced.

In this lesson I have learnt to understand that if I need something, I will have an emotion and I will act according it. For example, I'm angry with a pupil because he isn't listening to me. In this case, I need attention and respect, while maybe he needs movement or another way to learn that content. We put in practice the theory and it was really interesting.

At half past two, we started a tour about the centre of Amsterdam in group. It was nice spend time out of the academy! Here are some photos of the activity.

See you tomorrow! Good night 🌜

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2022

Amsterdam, 9th of May, 2022

 Hi everyone!!

I'm Andrea and I'm writing about my experience in Amsterdam. 

Today was the first day of the course called 21st century skills for Teachers and Students. For that reason, I started my day waking to streets as gorgeous as this one.

My teacher's name is Jarek and today we have been playing games to know each other and break the ice. Then we introduced our schools and my classmates brought us wine and typical Portuguese desserts. They were very good!

Finally we discussed about diversity, equality and inclusion in education. Now I'm going to go to sleep.

Good night!🌃